Managing the Federal Employee: Engagement and Accountability

Target Audience: Executives, Managers, and Supervisors

Length: Two-Day Seminar


“Managing the Federal Employee: Engagement and Accountability” is a two-day course designed for agency supervisors and managers who are trying to get the most out of their teams. It is a comprehensive, interactive class. The first day is a survey of best practices in engagement and management for motivating and engaging a team.  Attendees take the Gallup’s Strength-Finder inventory and use their individual results in group exercises as well as learn how to replicate the activity for their own team. After setting a leadership foundation, the second day of the course turns to the best way to handle difficult employees with either conduct or performance problems, or likely both.  Material included in the second day addresses the federal disciplinary system and is a great refresher for those who have attended our signature class, Managing the Federal Employee: Discipline and Performance. 


Day 1:  Leadership and Motivation

  1. Understanding Human Motivation
  2. Survey of Leadership Best Practices
  3. Strength-Based Leadership
  4. Recognizing Employee Contributions

Day 2:  Accountability

  1. The Case for Accountability
  2. Performance Management
  3. Performance-Based Actions for Poor Performers
  4. Informal Actions/Counseling Techniques
  5. Formal Disciplinary Actions
  6. Miscellaneous Performance/Conduct Issues