We also offer custom training to meet your specific needs. Does your Agency have particular supervisory training needs? Do you have a new accountability initiative? Are you implementing Telework? Have you had EEO issues in the workplace? Do you need training for first line supervisors?
While we offer a number of very popular off-the-shelf courses, we have also packaged our course content into nine separate half-day training modules for Managing the Federal Employee. The content of any one of these modules can be mixed with any other module to meet your specific needs. Tell us what you need and we’ll help you create the perfect course.
Here are several options to illustrate:
Your agency has had our signature course, Managing the Federal Employee: Discipline and Performance, but wants to focus supervisory training on implementing Telework, relationships with union officials, employee motivation and basic leadership skills.
Your agency needs 1 day refresher training in discipline and performance management.
You've had some EEO and disciplinary issues. You'd like to start the training with a focus on leadership and employee motivation, and then address discipline and a couple of specific topics including EEO and labor-management issues.