Founded in 1993, Rudman Wink Associates LLC provides insightful, entertaining, and practical education about leadership, engagement, and the federal personnel system for managers and supervisors. Our mission is to empower federal supervisors and managers to lead their employees, both good and bad. Download the Rudman Wink Capabilities Statement here.
The key to our success: our instructors have both federal management experience as well as legal expertise in the federal personnel system. Because we have dealt with difficult employees from behind the desk as well as in the courtroom, we understand the frustrations and pressures of the federal workplace. We enjoy teaching and interacting with current leaders who are carrying out important federal missions for our country, breathing life into an otherwise dry subject by reinforcing critical points with anecdotes and real-life case studies.
Our courses on leadership, motivation, and engagement are designed to help supervisors and managers create high-performing organizations for their Agencies.
Our courses on discipline and performance management seek to dispel the myth that you can’t fire a federal employee for performance or conduct problems when necessary. We teach managers how the system works and, just as importantly, that the system works. Our classes provide a solid foundation and understanding of the federal system as well as actionable tips, tools, and strategies that supervisors can immediately employ. Armed with this core knowledge and practical suggestions, supervisors and managers can confidently handle difficult employees with the goal of stopping inappropriate behavior, changing a bad attitude, or improving poor performance. If the employee doesn’t improve—and some never will despite the boss’s best efforts—we also teach managers how to remove the employee and successfully navigate the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) complaint, grievance, or Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) appeal that follows.